Thursday, March 27 – Your wishes, your way: how to take control of your legacy


Your wishes, your way:
how to take control of your legacy

Thursday, March 27th, 2025

Did you know a poorly prepared estate plan could see your biological children cut out of your will? Or that, without proper planning, leaving the family cottage to your kids could leave them with a financial headache?

Don’t miss this webinar to gain insights into how you can avoid these potential pitfalls and more. Learn how to safeguard your wealth, minimize taxes and ease the burden on your loved ones. Join our host, IG Wealth Management’s Dan McPherson and specialists from ClearEstate, including co-founder Alex Gauthier, as they discuss real-life case studies, including:

  • Delays and complications caused by naming an executor
    based abroad.
  • How trying to avoid probate brought about a larger tax bill.
  • Conflicts over a will that arose due to the family avoiding
    estate conversations.

There will be a virtual Q&A session at the end of the webinar to answer some of your questions.

This event will be broadcast in English with French translation available through Interprefy.

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